Ok so it has been awhile sine I posted anything and even Tucker brought that to my attention. HAHA So I guess I better get to it. I will do my best with describing whats going on in these pictures. I asked my loving husband to post comments under the photos off his facebook and well he hasn't got to it yet...lol its not like he is busy over there ...totally kidding honey.

Tucker squatting down taking a break from there hike and I do mean hike they are over 6k alt and not many of the humves or mraps can get to the areas they go out into.

Tucker and his guys towing back another SSG vehicle for the second time.. Tucker says he owes him a beer when they get back to the states.

Some dirty work

What a dud lol lame I know but had too

Here is a good example of the terrain they deal with on a day to day basis. Doesn't look like much fun to me.
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