Sunday, April 25, 2010

SaLt LaKe SiStEr TiMe!!!!

Ok so if you know anything about me you know Im very close to my big sister. I miss her all the time and when we get together we have the best time. I got to spend a whole week with her wish it had been longer but I knew I would be back next month!!!

After lookin at a lot of cribs and I do mean a lot of cribs I picked it! Funny part is I looked at this crib in December when Tucker and I where therefor Christmas visit. Now I was wonting a white crib but got vetoed my the hubs. He said NO WHITE. and NO DARK DARK wood. So when I picked this wood color I was worried he wouldnt like it....but He said "I love the crib babe"!!! Phew!. His imput means a lot to me and I try very hard to keep him in the loop about what we are doing with her room.

Kayla is a big help when picking out fabric to redo a nursery chair in. When you get to that point where you want to pull out your hair cause you have to many choices she will make you smile and give ya kisses!! So when going shopping bring your Kayla!!

So happy we found the perfect fabric!!!

Who needs a fuzzy baby crown for her birthday coming up??? I think Kayla!