So the weeks came and went and I was now 42 weeks pregnant...agh. I wanted to cry, pull my hair out, kill my doctor but most of all I just wanted Tenley to finally get here. If you felt bad for me then you should feel worse for the hubs. Poor guy couldn't even be home then every day he would get online to ask me "anything babe" "how are you feeling" "when is she going to come".
But there was a break in the clouds because 10Aug10 I was going to be induced!!! Finally!!
Ok if you laugh I will kill you cause I look like Im having twins haha
So the day was pretty crazy they where trying to get my body ready since it was going to happen on its own. I was givin a few kinds of things which didnt work. The Doctor had to break my water which hurt so bad I cant explain to you the feeling. From that point on the contractions got worse and then I decided maybe that hot bath would feel good. It did and I recommend it to every pregnant mom out there. However after about 40 mins I was in to much pain. My body still wasnt ready to have a baby and I couldnt stand anymore contractions so time for the feel good drugs!!! YAY
Have to say it was so hard to get one when my contractions where 1 min apart and they want you not to move haha I was like ok I wont me what the hell. After I got it I was in heavn!!!
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