My wonderful strong heroic husband left for Afghanistan this last Sunday. He will be very busy over there. He is a Staff Sargent and is in control of quite a few men. I hate that he is there but know that with him there his guys will be very taken care of. Its hard to give your love to your country sometimes. I know that what he does keeps us all safe here but I hate that he is in harms way everyday. Lucky we know that he will be home for r&r in so I hope August comes fast. I will be busy thanks goodness!! Being pregnant while he is gone is like a blessing and sadness at the same time. I know being pregnant I will be planning, shopping, decorating and nesting lol. But its sad knowing my husband wont be home to help and be at the doctor appointments. We are a very strong couple so I know it will be fine. Here are a few pictures from the night he deployed.

Oh Jen that picture of you hugging breaks my heart. I cry when we are apart for a week or two, when I go to my parents! Good luck, be greatful your not sick!
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