Tucker, Jennifer, Tenley and our dog Sue
Posted by Jennifer and Tucker at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Posted by Jennifer and Tucker at 10:43 PM 1 comments
By Ashley Reynolds
Hurry up and wait
Story of my life
The hardest job I've ever loved
Being an Army Wife!!!
People just don't understand
Just what it is like
Waking up every morning
With him not by my side...
Never have I questioned
The decision that I have made
But being apart has made our love
to where it will never fade...
He is the greatest thing
That has ever happened to me
I am not alone with that feeling
I know he would agree...
Deployments are very hard
I know it will happen again
Being away from you
But not knowing when...
Knowing of all the danger
Not seeing you for a year
Not knowing if you are ok
That is the part I fear...
This is the job you chose
And this is the role I play
Loving you no matter what
For I am here to stay!!!
My husband is a soldier
And that is what he does
Fights for all our freedom
Just doing what he loves...
I couldn't be more proud
Of this man that I adore
Just waiting on the day we can end this
And say there's no more war...
Until that day comes
I stand proud and I stand strong
I'll never leave your side
For that is where I belong...
Posted by Jennifer and Tucker at 12:25 PM 0 comments
My life wears camo and combat boots, he bravely walks away to board a plane to a far away land. He tells me he loves me and we will talk soon.
My life does 8 mile road marches and sends me a message to tell me he is thinking of me and asks how my day is going. My life is a soldier fighting for our country.
The reason my heart is beating is thousands of miles away, it will be months before I feel his touch. He is my best friend, my lover, my man, my hero and my soldier.
I wait for his calls, emails anything for the chance to tell him one more time that I love him. I remain positive, I save my tears for when I am alone. I hide my fear and I remain strong for him.
I will wait until the end of time to be in his arms again. This is the life I have chosen, the life of the unknown. A life full of true love and happiness. For happiness will be to be in his arms again. To be able to touch his face, to be able to kiss him, to be able to look into his eyes again. To hear his laugh and to fall asleep in his arms.
My life is a man, he is a hero, he is loved more then he will know. He is my best friend…. He is my husband'… he is a US soldier….
Posted by Jennifer and Tucker at 12:22 PM 0 comments
Last night our family received very sad news my cousin Christopher Andrews had past away. He was 31 years old and has had severe heart problems since birth. At age 5 he had a pace maker put in. He had a complication about a year and a half ago but things didn't get better and he need a surgery. Hes poor heart just couldn't take it anymore and he past away. He is no longest in pain, will no longer have to take meds or see doctors. He gets to met our Lord and see our amazing Grandparents. He is survived by his wonder wife and two little boys. There just isn't enough words to express the pain we all are feeling. You are and will always be loved we miss you.
Posted by Jennifer and Tucker at 10:01 AM 0 comments