Sunday, November 14, 2010
Just when I thought..
The whole time I was pregnant I figured that I would have this baby just like everyone else...nope. 10 months of pregnancy and a emergency csection. Hold up you say!! Yep you heard right a csection. All those contractions started to put stress on Tenley so when her heart beat changed they throw on the oxygen mask and call my doctor. At that point I told Tucker what had happened and he said he need to go outside(which means he needs to smoke). He was so stressed out after seeing me with the mask on and the nurses basically freaking out. My doctor got there in about 15 mins. As soon as he came in the room he said well its time to have that baby. I went from freaked out to terrified. Once Dr. Burke told us I was wheeled out of the room and head to the OR. My mom was left behind getting on the gown, grabbing the computer telling Tucker what was going to be happening now. Oh it was a mess. I was so scared and all I wanted was my husbands hand.
Doesnt this look like fun!! I was so drugged I couldnt stop shaking even after it was over. I was in the recovery room for an hour shaking so bad it made my blood pressure drop to seriously low levels.
Her dad got to see her from the web cam before I saw her.
That really meant a lot to me.
Posted by Jennifer and Tucker at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Im finally getting INDUCED
Ok if you laugh I will kill you cause I look like Im having twins haha
Posted by Jennifer and Tucker at 7:38 PM 0 comments
Oh My
Ok so my husband an a few friend have said "you need to up date your blog". Well I have found that it takes time to do this and these days I dont aways have it haha. But I will try harder ~k~
Posted by Jennifer and Tucker at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Just another day of work...
God I love him so much! Im so proud of him. He works so
Taken a break!
Right corner: Tuck and another SSG ready to fight over whos college
football teams better haha
Out on a mission. The view from Tuckers Mrap. I swear he is in
Idaho haha well looks like it huh?
Posted by Jennifer and Tucker at 7:33 PM 0 comments
A farewell to a fallen soldier.
any soldier loses there life over but its even harder when it hits so close to home.
They had a very nice ceremony (from what Tucker told me) and the rest of the troop is handling it the best they can. He was honored here in the states the way he should be. And is survived by his Wife Amber and daughter Mekella.

Posted by Jennifer and Tucker at 7:16 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 7, 2010
In 7 weeks we will be parents!!
33 weeks has finally arrived. Its been easy other then my husband not being here to experience the weeks with me. Keeping him involved hasn't been the easiest task but I am doing my best. My heart breaks knowing how bad he wants to be home with me. He is a such a good man and I know if he was home he wouldn't miss one doctor appointment, would baby shop anytime I wanted him to, he would help me pick things for her room and the gear we want so I guess what I'm saying is I'm a lucky girl to have him.
Tenleys room is about done. I have been nesting a lot lately. I washed all her clothes, sheets, towels. folded everything a few times over lol. Her cradle is finish and in the room agh feels good to say that it wasn't a simple project. Just one very important thing missing... we need Daddy home.
Posted by Jennifer and Tucker at 11:04 PM 0 comments