Sunday, November 14, 2010

Just when I thought..

The whole time I was pregnant I figured that I would have this baby just like everyone else...nope. 10 months of pregnancy and a emergency csection. Hold up you say!! Yep you heard right a csection. All those contractions started to put stress on Tenley so when her heart beat changed they throw on the oxygen mask and call my doctor. At that point I told Tucker what had happened and he said he need to go outside(which means he needs to smoke). He was so stressed out after seeing me with the mask on and the nurses basically freaking out. My doctor got there in about 15 mins. As soon as he came in the room he said well its time to have that baby. I went from freaked out to terrified. Once Dr. Burke told us I was wheeled out of the room and head to the OR. My mom was left behind getting on the gown, grabbing the computer telling Tucker what was going to be happening now. Oh it was a mess. I was so scared and all I wanted was my husbands hand.

Doesnt this look like fun!! I was so drugged I couldnt stop shaking even after it was over. I was in the recovery room for an hour shaking so bad it made my blood pressure drop to seriously low levels.

I have no idea if Tucker even saw all this but i know my mom was trying so hard to get him online in there. But we did get video an pictures.

Then our beautiful Tenley was born!!!
Her dad got to see her from the web cam before I saw her.
That really meant a lot to me.
Getting Tenley all cleaned up and ready to met her mom!

This feeling of holding our daughter for the 1st time is the the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced. Its a love like no other.