Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Make Over! Fabric Style!

Tuckers mom gave us his Great Grandma Capps rocker for the nursery. It fit me well because I'm well short lol. The green just wasn't us. I found the perfect fabric in Salt Lake. I must say my mom is good she did about 85% of the work. Me about 15% ha ha. Tucker insisted we keep some of the wood showing. I wasn't to happy only because I wanted a more modern look. However now I love the wood, so good job babe! This wasn't an easy project by any means. I didn't think it would take as long either, but when your mom is a perfectionist (wonder where I get it Tucker). It takes longer. I have to say it was worth the time I love the chair and its going to look great in her nursery. I have a feeling Tucker and i will be spending many nights in this chair. So thanks moms. We love the family pass down.

Beautiful nursery rocker!!

Holy Crap 29 Weeks only 11 to go!

Wow 29 weeks already!! Tucker and I where just talking about how fast the weeks are flying by. Its so nice that its is. I want my Tenley and Hubby home. We have 11 weeks till full term and Tucker should be home around then too. I cant wait to see him holding our little girl. I know it will be a moment I never forget.

~Man I'm getting big~

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lumber Jack Lodge -n- Lolo, MT

Had a great Sunday up at Lumber jack Lodge at a 3D archery hunt. I know its Mothers day but My mom said "go Have fun". So dad and I did. 30 targets to hit ranging 10-50 yards. Nice weather even though it was cold during some parts of the hunt. I'm 28 weeks now so there where ares of the hunt that where difficult to hike. At one part I had to sit on my bum and slide down the hill so i wouldn't fall. (don't tell Tuck he may not like that lol). All in all a great day tired and so happy to be home off my feet. Sad part of the day I missed Tuckers call because there wasn't service where we were. He is so sweet to wish me Happy Mother's day. I don't look at my self as a mom yet, but the fact that he does is very sweet. I feel like the luckiest girl to have a husband like him. He is just so caring a always shows me he is thinking about me.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Another month bites the dust!!

May 1st I love it. It means another month down and about 2 1/2 -3 months till Tenley and Tucker are here. This deployment seems so long but then another months goes by and I think YES getting closer. I feel so blessed to be able to talk to him as much as we do. Hearing his voice and seeing him online can really put a big smile on my face and heart. I'm really hoping May flys by fast to. I have a baby shower in SLC on the 15th and will spend almost a week there with my two sister, my mom, kayla and Robb so we should have some fun. Then up to Twin for another shower being thrown by Jan and Tuckers Aunt Holly. Its going to be fun but I wont know to many people there so interesting also. I just hope Tuckers month goes by fast too.